Friday, June 30, 2006

FFSI Update

Here is the latest update from Kelly

Dear FFSI Team,

Welcome aboard to our many new Consultants. We are honored to have you
on the FFSI team.

The June Financial Freedom Report is now online and available in your
FFSI Members Area. You will really enjoy and benefit from this report.
If it doesn't fire you up to get serious about using the Quick
Retirement Formula as your plan for early financial freedom then you'll need to
check yourself for a pulse. It will capture your imagination and
motivate you in a special way.

It is hard to believe, but 2006 is half over. If the rest of the summer
is as good as June has been it will set an all-time record for summer
growth. We appreciate all you are doing. Keep up the excellent work.

By the way, if you haven't tried the Tuesday night Meet the President
Conference Call, you really need to check it out. The calls are always
thought provoking, educational and provide an excellent forum to hear
from some of your fellow Membership Consultants. Your prospects are
invited, too. We will send out a regular update on Monday or Tuesday with
the latest updates plus the conference call participation details

Have a great weekend,



Kelly L. Reese, President
Financial Freedom Society, Inc


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